by Alexandros Roushias, London, UK, Jan 2004
Within ‘Tabula Prima’ (2003), introduction of object into aesthetic space does not obviate function. An aggrandizement of a cost-benefit matrix determines represented form, exploring an assemblage between constraint and compulsion, secession of freedom and evaluation of volitional control.
Medical, scientific, industrial and biological objects are transposed and integrate with human representations.
The objects posses more complexity than the smooth human forms operated upon. Individual human agency is apparently subsumed by a closed operational attachment. Another object often operates upon the body, so that forms genuflect according to their twin roles. Human modules exist as domain specific components, physiological receptacles and conduits of a modular and domain general system.
The modules show obeisance and receive. Because a reciprocal effect of obeisance is expected, there exists the appearance of necessity of action. As in the microsystemal ‘Floss’ (2003), l’effet c’est moi.
Yet an integrated system is supereminate to the result of any contiguous specialized capacity. Its generative modularity functions alongside perceptual and manual inputs and as a result of overlapping interactions between distributed mechanisms. Nor can events be reduced to contiguous human interventions. Human actions are encapsulated, but the action of mechanism upon human is not.
Inside Fernanda Chieco’s modular functionality, there is nothing like a one-one correlation between human behaviour and system mechanicism. Her work proposes a trichotomy of potential submission: behaviour, thought, result. There are those who act like they submit, think they don’t submit, and actually submit; those who act like they don’t submit, think they don’t submit, and actually submit; and so on. Chieco’s humans give their bodies to the ogre and become themselves.