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Question – What are the Flycatchers?

Answer – The Flycatcher is an individual whose tongue stretches ad infinitum.


Q – Why are they named like that?

A – They have been named Flycatchers because of their primal functions of luring flies when grouped in couples.


Q – What are the other functions of the tongue of the Flycatcher?

A – The tongue is the strongest muscle in the body and the most agile.  It never gets tired and has a latent self-healing capacity. Hence the Flycatchers make the most use of all properties of their tongue by assigning to it an infinite number of functions. Nevertheless, their main objective function still is to establish connections between individuals.


Q – How do their tongues work?

A – The tongue is made mainly of skeletal muscle intercalated with layers of fat tissue that provides it with flexibility, resistance and unlimited mobility. The high capacity of self-healing allows quick regeneration following partial amputation.  It is covered with a smooth mucous membrane and marked by a median sulcus, which divides it into symmetrical halves. The median sulcus line can be easily snipped for beginning the process tongue splitting. Due to its regeneration capacity, the tongue can also be sutured with other living tongues. That procedure allows connection of one single individual to several individuals concomitantly.


Q – What happens when the individual doesn’t have the oral cavity aperture?

A – Individuals deprived of mouth may use the rectum as alternative exit for their tongues. However, if for any reason their rectal orifice is blocked, the whole tongue accumulates inside their abdomen.


Q – What happens with the Flycatchers’ tongue when they die?  

A – After their death the tongue remains alive for seven days. Instinctively, all individuals forefeel their death and naturally retract their tongue beforehand. Once they have finished the retracting process they wait for death to come. For those cases of sudden death, the unretracted tongue instantly suffers self-mutilation. It plucks off the dead body and quickly moves away to find a new individual to connect. In the case of death of individuals deprived of mouth, the tongue splits in its median sulcus and each half slide out of the nose of the corpse. Reason why the nasals tampon technique is vastly used in funerals.


Q – What happens to the tongue if it doesn’t find a new “host”?

A – If the tongue is unable to find a new person within seven days, they look for other living animals to connect and remain alive. When that happens, the “host” animal tends to develop mutations and is consequently expelled from its habitat. Consequently, all mutated animals instinctively seek for accommodation within Flycatchers communities.

Alternatively the tongue may also find shelter in humid places such as swimming pools, bathtubs, lakes, rivers and oceans.

However, if it doesn’t find a new living “host” or a humid shelter within seven days from its self-mutilation, it dehydrates and dies.

There have been cases of pieces of tongues found near full dehydration that were rescued and placed in shelters for recovering and eventual replacement into the Flycatchers society.


Q – What is the life expectancy of the tongue?

A – If kept in moist, shade and average temperature of 36,5C, the tongue may live hundreds of years. It is known of tongues that have been kept alive for thousands of years. 

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